I captured this image of NGC 281 with my S50 using 948 10s exposures. I stacked in Siril and processed in Siril, GraXpert, Cosmic Clarity, and GIMP. It's not perfect, but I'm still very much an amateur.
My 5th time trying to image a seemingly easy target with something being off... This time I must have nudged the lens out of focus slightly and there was some dew forming on the lens that I hadn't noticed.
This hobby sure has a steep learning curve!
On our journey to shot the best images we can with our non ideal setup we collected more data on the heart nebula. Main problem with our setup is the distance of the sensor which is not perfect and results in bad star shapes in the corners. Stepping down to 2.8 and using BXT helps a lot.
Combined with old data we gathered a total exposure time of 14 hours.