Hi all,
I played the shadow of the tombs raider back in August and got to about 25% of it. Today I wanted to play it and thought I'd be able to just continue, but I was wrong. First, steam was saying the game was "out of sync" so I clicked it and it said it was "up to date". Launched the game and it's almost from scratch, like 1 %, so me panik. Looked into the saved data files and they have all these .dat files with one that is a cloud one. Looked online and found a post where someone said I can download my old saves and add them to the folder. Sure enough, downloaded the .dat files for the correct date, but they have reaaaaally long names that have the paths to where they were saved then at the end of each name was the correct name (blahblahblahlinuxsomethingsave206.dat for example). Tried two ways,