Standard Esper Aggro: a new revelation!

Esper Aggro in MTG Standard: Deck Tech & Competitive Insights
submitted by jollyroberts…

Standard format is experiencing one of the most varied moments of recent years and there are always surprises. Today we are going to talk about a new entry in the format, namely Esper Aggro, which has managed to get 5 times in a row a score of 5-0 in the Standard League of MTGO.


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I must say, this is a really cool synergistic deck. I'd say it looks more like a tempo deck than full on aggro but really this looks really fun to play while still also looking competitive too. I love the combo between Spiteful Hexmage and Nurturing Pixie. There are so many little combos and synergies in this and not too many rares either.

Yeah I'm just getting back into MTG after a couple year break. Getting caught up on all the fun deck tech is great for Xmas break.