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Lol. I would just go with it. If learning Hadouken with friends is wrong, I don't want to be right.
they are already black belts
Couldn't find a clip with English subtitles, but Gintama made a similar joke https://youtu.be/1ffoDVM8RCo
I'll always upvote Gintama.
They should stick to rapping....
Can you get upvoted for posting StarBomb videos?
Lol. I would just go with it. If learning Hadouken with friends is wrong, I don't want to be right.
they are already black belts
Couldn't find a clip with English subtitles, but Gintama made a similar joke https://youtu.be/1ffoDVM8RCo
I'll always upvote Gintama.
They should stick to rapping....
Can you get upvoted for posting StarBomb videos?