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‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza

The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties

That's appalling.

Being sentenced to death, or at best considered acceptable murder, for being family with a suspected friend of Hamas.

Why hasn't this been more widely reported or shared?

Israel reportedly used fake social media accounts to influence US lawmakers. Meta and OpenAI said in May that they had disrupted a covert influence campaign originating in Israel that used AI-generated content.

How Israel continues to censor journalists covering the war in Gaza

Pretty deliberate, active, and well-financed operation by the Israeli state department and military to distort and censor information circulated about the war, particularly within the NATO block nations.

for this short film, the end-credit music is a ukelele cover of "Grand Finale" from 2112, with a soothing voice saying "We have assumed control... We have assumed control..."