Billionaire Bloomberg to fund UN climate body as US withdraws again.
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Billionaire Michael Bloomberg announced Thursday his foundation would fund the UN climate change body after President Donald Trump declared the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement for a second time.
Thank you Michael. Hopefully you're only writing checks for 4 years.
You gotta admit when someone you hate does a good thing. Good job Mike.
makes me wonder in a parallel world where this guy actually won the democratic primary in 2020 what would have happened
Biden was such an unmitigated disaster, I wonder if people would feel the same way about a theoretical Bloomberg v Trump in 2024. The Dems really shit the bed with the whole Kamala switcharoo
What about a president that's not a billionaire?
A candidate who's not a billionaire is forced to sell their ass to billionaire donors, in order to finance their campaign.
Like many other countries already do...
he wouldn't be my first choice, or even my 2nd, 3rd, etc. but apparently the American voters appreciate billionaires
Honestly not the most important distinction for me rn considering "not a Nazi" is somehow relevant again
If you let that Overton window drag you with it, the Nazis have won. We have to aim higher than "not a Nazi."
jfc. what a world.
He's even more of a Republican than Biden and Harris.
I'd rather see billionaires taxed into non-billionairehood than nominated for anything.
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