Modern problems require ancient solution.…

submitted a month ago by

Modern problems require ancient solution.

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witchcraft is just working through your issues ✨with magic✨ :3

I first read that as "Ork through my issues". Then I realized this was the Witchcraft community not the 40K community.

I'm still going to recommend that you consider "Ork" for most issues.

Really, what can't be solved by "more dakka"

Jus git yer snazzwagon an' drive away ya git

I'm not part of the 40k community but I'm going to assume itchcraft isn't particularly effective then

I'll be frank, 40K is so convoluted that a "itchcraft" could have been a thing about two decades ago and had a good chance being a horror beyond human comprehension to sell plastic models.

Noooo, don’t 40K your way through your issues.

“Work work work” your way through them like an Orc WC peon.

"Work complete!"

Wow, thanks! That really did help!

Please! N-no more kicking!

They aren’t mutually exclusive.

This is the mentality. People don't understand that when I ask for help it Is because I already discarded the method that takes effort. What I'm searching for are magic solutions.

-riting down information while pondering the orb