How to solve problems in a nutshell by one political party…

submitted a week ago by edited a week ago

How to solve problems in a nutshell by one political party

Original post:

sorry for spelling mistakes


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Didn't have to cross out the mass shootings on the rest of the days of the week

Did that get saged into oblivion, I haven't been on 4chan in ages. but it seemed like in 2016, the RP Trumpy jokes, drew the real far right, which eventually pushed everyone else out.

a week ago

As far as I can tell, 4chan still has their love for fascism, though it’s tempered. It’s always been my belief that many 4channers for a long time just really went hard on whatever was the worst thing they could do in the interest of hypertrolling. Sort of like just doubling down on in the interest of seeing how many people they could break. Half of them really believe qanon bullshit, the other half love the feeling of being socialpolitical trolls that push that same conspiracy just to see how far they can take it.

My experience with it back in the day (like, circa 2013 or so) was that it was more or less a safe space for extremists of any flavor but there were also political views closer to the mainstream though. I was just an edgy teenager on /b/ though so that might skew things a bit.